Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Advantages and Disadvantages of Telecommuting for the Employee and the Firm Free Essay Example, 2750 words
One of the main disadvantages experienced by employers is that they cannot supervise the performance of their employees the way they would like to do. There is also a problem which implies the fact that an employer may not be able to contact an employee promptly, especially when deliverables are required. As a result, the client might be burdened with a delay in services. Another issue that may possibly be faced by the company as a result of telecommuting lies within the framework of security. There is the possibility that the information and secret data used by the telecommuter can be hacked and the same may also fall into the hands of a third person, even without hacking (Swati, 2008). It has been suggested that in order to deal with the problems mentioned above, employers should take notes from other companies that practice telecommuting. There is also a need to sufficiently provide the telecommuter with materials and resources that would aid him/her in carrying out the tasks eff ectively and efficiently. Such resources can include a phone, fax machine and other gadgets that would not only help the telecommuter in doing the job but also the company because these enable the employer to keep in touch with the employee (Ahmadi et al. , 2000). We will write a custom essay sample on The Advantages and Disadvantages of Telecommuting for the Employee and the Firm or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now With regards to the problem of lack of supervision, the employer should be focusing on the results delivered by the telecommuter instead of focusing on time spent by the latter to get his/her work done. It is easier said than done. Managing telecommuters is challenging to the employer because there is a need to conduct certain measures in order to accommodate the telecommuter. This means that policies, rules, and regulations should be modified. Supervision can indeed be frustrating on the part of the employer, but there is a way to make the situation less frustrating or challenging. To avoid a situation where there is a complete lack of management and the progress of the work to be done deteriorates because of this, it is advised that telecommuters should meet with their employers face to face in order to report to them, and discuss other matters whether in relation to work or the life of the telecommuter as an employee.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Changes in Japanese Culture - 825 Words
Throughout â€Å"Hiroshima†by John Heresy, the readers are gradually exposed to Japanese culture through each of the six survivors, regardless of the survivors nationality, as they stitch their lives back together after the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on August 9, 1945. Japanese-style hospitals are quite different in comparison to other hospitals, gradually reforming through the book. As a Japanese, you were happy to die for your Emperor and country as shown in Tanimotos letter to an American and in the survivors. Japanese had a resistance toward foreigners due to the war, however, after the bombing, the Japanese accepted those they rejected. Through these Japanese customs, the audience gains further understanding of the influence the†¦show more content†¦The Emperor in Japan is â€Å"the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people,†which the Japanese give their obligation to as seen in Kiyoshi Tanimoto’s letter to an American and in the six sur vivors despite their nationality. When the bomb was dropped onto Hiroshima, many perished in the ruins created by the bomb. When Dr Y. Hiraiwa and his son were trapped under rubbles of their burning â€Å"two-story house,†they decided that they could do nothing but devote their lives to their country. The father and son chanted â€Å"Tenno-heika, Banzai, Banzai, Bazai,†encouraging the emperor to live long. This chanting allows the father to feel at peace and contented that he was able to taste â€Å"a beautiful spirit,†which in context is when he â€Å"decided to die for†the Emperor. Kayoko Nobutoki was walking home from school with her classmates. They rested against a â€Å"heavy fence of the Buddhist Temple,†which fell on them as the atomic bomb was dropped. â€Å"One of the girls began to sing Kimi ga yo, national anthem, and others followed in chorus and died.†Even in the midst of dying from no oxygen, the girls knew they were dyi ng for their country, singing their national anthem even when they could barely breathe due to the heavy smoke. The foreigners in Japan during the period of rebuilding the country experienced many new feelings and emotions due to the atomic bomb. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Impact Of Interest Rate Changes On Banks Profitability Finance Essay - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 9 Words: 2630 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Narrative essay Did you like this example? Use of more than one independent variable in the analysis may cause of multicollinearity problem. The multicollinearity is measured by tolerance and variance of inflation factor (VIF). Tolerance is the proportion of variation in the dependent variable not explained by the model. The tolerance and VIF value showed that there is not much multicollinearity problem among independent variables. Which showed that overall model is good. 4.2: Multiple Regression Analysis Assumptions 4.2.1: Normality of error term distribution The normality is checked by normal probability plots. In the method, the normal distribution made a 45 degree straight line, and plotted residual are compared with the diagonal. As presented in the figure 4.1 the values of the residual fall along the straight line with not much difference. The figure concludes that the residual structure is normal. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Impact Of Interest Rate Changes On Banks Profitability Finance Essay" essay for you Create order Figure 4.1: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual Another method used to check the normality by histogram. The shape of the histogram in figure 4.2 showed that the figure closed to the shape of normal curve. Figure 4.2: Histogram 4.2.2: Linearity of the phenomenon measured The linearity of the relationship between dependent variable and independent variable represented the degree to which the change in the dependent variable is associated with independent variable. The figure 4.3 did not reflect any nonlinear pattern to the residual. Which shown that the overall relationship between variables is linear. Figure 4.3: Scatter Plot Interest Income Figure 4.4: Partial Regression Plot Interest Income and Interest Rate Figure 4.5: Partial Regression Plot Interest Income, Loan and Advances 4.2.3: Constant variance of error term The residual plots also showed that the presence of equal variance. This fulfilled the assumption of multiple regression model. 5.2.4: Independent of the error terms In regression each predicted value was independent of any other prediction. There were no sequenced by any variable from residual plot. 4.3: Reliability and Validity 4.3.1: Reliability The reliability is defined as the degree to which the observed values measure the true values, error free and consistent. The overall results were in line with the practices applicable in Pakistan. But the difference is appeared when the results of Pakistan compared with international practices. In high interest rate environment Pakistan banking getting high returns on the other hand the at global level interest rate were low. That clearly indicates the major differences in returns at Pakistan and international level. 4.3.2: Validity The validity is defined as the degree to which the measure is accurately represents what it is supposed to. The instrument has been used to predict the variation explained by the independent variable in interest income. The regression model used in the analysis and all the assumption has been fulfilled. 4.4: Hypothesis Testing H1: There is a significant and positive impact of interest rate on interest income. Result: Since the significant value of interest rate is 0.000, which was less than 0.050 and regression coefficient value 852.617 was also positive. That means interest rate had a significant and positive impact on interest income. That accepts the hypothesis H1. The reason for significant and positive impact was that rate increases and interest income increases. H2: There is a significant and positive impact of balances with other banks deposit accounts on interest income. Result: Since the significant value of balances with other banks- deposit accounts is 0.209, which was greater than 0.050 and regression coefficient value 0.057 was also negative. That means balances with other banks deposit accounts had no significant and positive impact on interest income. That rejects the hypothesis H2. The reason for no significant and positive impact was balances with other banks cover only the small portion of the banks earning assets. H3: There is a significant and positive impact of lending to financial institution on interest income. Result: Since the significant value of lending to financial institution is 0.917, which was greater than 0.050 and regression coefficient value 0.003 was also negative. That means lending to financial institution had no significant and positive impact on interest income. That rejects the hypothesis H3. The reason for no significant and positive impact was lending to financial institution cover only the small portion of the banks earning assets. H4: There is a significant and positive impact of investments on interest income. Result: Since the significant value of investments is 0.186, which was greater than 0.050 and regression coefficient value 0.079 was also positive. That means investment have no significant but had positive impact on interest income. That rejects the hypothesis H4. The reason for no significant but positive impact was that interest income not much dependent on investment. If the investment increases then interest income also increases but in small proportion. H5: There is a significant and positive impact of loan and advances on interest income. Result: Since the significant value of loan and advances is 0.000, which was less than 0.050 and regression coefficient value 0.118 was also positive. That means loan and advances have a significant and positive impact on interest income. That accepts the hypothesis H5. The reason for significant and positive impact was that as the portfolio increases the interest income increases. Table 4.6: Hypothesis Assessment Summary Hypothesis Independent Variables t value sig. Comments There is a significant and positive impact of interest rate on interest income. Interest Rate 6.474 0.000 Accepted since there was a significant and positive impact of interest rate on interest income. There is a significant and positive impact of balances with other banks deposit accounts on interest income. Balances with other banks deposit accounts -1.270 0.209 Rejected since there was an insignificant and negative impact of balances with other banks- deposit accounts on interest income. There is a significant and positive impact of lending to financial institutions on interest income. Lending to Financial Institution -0.105 0.917 Rejected since there was an insignificant and negative impact of lending to financial institutions on interest income. There is a significant and positive impact of investments on interest income. Investments 1.338 0.186 Rejected since there was an insignificant and positive impact of investments on interest income. There is a significant and positive impact of loan and advances on interest income. Loan and Advances 28.368 0.000 Accepted since there was a significant and positive impact of loan and advances on interest income. Dependent Variable : Interest Income Sig. Value: (0.05) 4.5: Chapter Summary The chapter included the results, interpretation, assumption in the multiple regression and hypothesis tested. The overall results are positive and significant. CHAPTER FIVE DISCUSSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, FUTURE RESEARCH AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1: Conclusion The objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of interest rate changes on banks profitability. The interest rate and loan and advances had a significant and positive impact on interest income. In the context of Pakistan interest rate and loan and advances had major impact on the banks interest income. The other significantly important variable was the loan and advances. As the portfolio of the loan and advances increases the banks interest income increases. Both the independent variable was directly related to interest income. The statistical result also showed that both the variable has significant and positive impact on the banks interest income. The regression technique also proved these findings. That means that profitability of bank dependant on interest rate, loan and advances. Specifically, in a higher interest rate environment, an increase in lending rates usually larger than the increase in deposit rates, which result in pushing up the bank, spreads. On the other side, in a lower loan and advances scenario, the opposite likely to be happen. When interest rate increases, lending rates tend to adjust more quickly as compare to deposit rates. While, in a declining situation deposit rates adjust faster then lending rates. Banks were more sensitive to interest rat risk as compare to the other financial institution. It is feared that further increase in the interest rate would slow the growth of advances and increase in the bad debts. Short term interest rate changes was a serious issue among shareholders, managers and analysts and most of the banks represent no serious threat on long term interest rate. That would affect the performance and credit rating of financial institution. The Paid up capital requirement of Rs. 7 billion until 2010 by the SBP also encourage further consolidation in the banking sector. It used for decrease the impact of risk, conservative growth in advances and deposits, bringing downward advances to deposits ratio. But the major concern was the interest rate movement which damaging in great deal. It would be very difficult for individual to save money and made investment in the economy. The findings clearly suggested that main determinant of banks profitability are interest rate, loan and advances. The only way to increase banks profitability by way of having good quality portfolio in terms of assets, check and balance system developed to monitor closely such default risk and interest rate risk. Usually Banks have different polices in place to monitor the customer credit worthness in the form of KYC, AML, watch list, credit rating and electronic credit information bearue (ECIB). Banking was about how to managing its risk and return. Success in banking system is dependent on how well organization manages its risk and return. The nature of banks business was to identify, evaluate and manage risk effective and efficiently. 5.2: Discussions and limitations There were some limitations in the research. Such as; The basis for calculation of interest income was KIBOR rate. The Pakistan banking system started practicing KIBOR rate as benchmark from 2002 onward. Therefore, the study period is 2003 2008. The sample size consists of ten major banks in Pakistan. That covered 76% market share of the Pakistan banking industry. 5.3: Implications and Recommendation 5.3.1: Implications The mechanism of monetary policy was to bring discipline and efficiency in the financial sector and developing a favorable environment for economic growth. The central bank pursued a tight monetary policy from past few years. There are several objective of monetary policy to control inflation, government borrowing and interest rate. In Pakistan, rising inflation and interest rate was the most common phenomenon. Rising lending rates harms the economy and consumer. It is a fact that high lending rates are regularly linked to high inflation. The changes in interest rates affect consumption and savings decisions of households, corporate level and also affect the output and investment decision throughout the economy. The central bank set the interest rate at which bank lends money to financial institutions and consumer. This measure will help in controlling the monetary pressure associated with the economy. Decrease in interest rates As a general rule, the decrease in interest rate is best for the economic environment. When consumer can afford to borrow funds because customers dont have to pay high interest rate on borrow funds. Interest rate used as a tool for controlling the economic growth. When the economy grows rapid pace then it will experience inflation. Prices rise to a high level and no one can afford changes in real interest rate. That affects the public demand for goods and services due to altering the availability of bank loans. A low real interest rate decreases the borrowing cost that leads to the investment spending and encourage people to spend in various forms consumer durables. Low interest rate provide corporate level opportunity to take new capital investment spending and increase the firm confidence by making heavy investment in growing sector and generating heavy revenue. That result in stabilizing the economy and providing employment opportunities. The other aspect of low interest rate was that it will decrease the default risk of counter party. It means that people have more disposable income to pay their borrow funds and take saving decisions. Cause depreciation in the exchange rate and increase demand for domestic producers those who sell goods and services global markets. The rise in the growth of exports would increase the aggregate demand. Increase in interest rates The increased in rate will increase the cost of property. Conversely, fall in the interest rate increase the demand and increase pressure on mortgage prices. That would increase the spending associated with mortgage buying and increase in prices had increase the total wealth. The increase in interest rate opens the door for increasing non performing loans. Despite the fact that heavy amount of provisioned made by the banks. Inefficient and corrupt borrowers try to find out an easy exit way to avoid repayment. That problem was going to be worsted due to low recovery rate of bad debts. 5.3.2: Recommendations The banks can decrease their risk with out involvement of funds by developing their focus on non interest income. Bank must take conscious measure about capital adequacy ratio and abrupt changes in the interest rate. The central bank should play their role in standardization of interest spreads. There has been a gap of 5 to 8 percent between what the banks in Pakistan were paying to the deposit holders and what charging to borrowers, which was not in line with the international level. Banks management should required to logically focus on improving the quality of their banks profitability by providing better return to depositors and charge less interest rate to borrowers for the development of economy. APPENDICES Appendix A Data Sheet Period 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Interest Rate 2.4588 3.3384 8.1853 9.9159 10.1640 12.8018 S.No Bank Year Interest Income Balances with Other Banks Deposit Accounts Lending to FIs Investments Loan and Advances 01 ABL 2003 4,984.607 1,607.460 15,361.240 40,972.690 49,986.980 02 ABL 2004 5,244.710 1,183.920 16,175.000 57,631.300 69,948.840 03 ABL 2005 9,846.657 2,329.190 5,777.380 45,068.120 119,506.010 04 ABL 2006 17,215.507 460.830 19,050.240 47,274.640 151,705.420 05 ABL 2007 21,201.422 18,419.240 84,209.830 178,524.360 06 ABL 2008 30,570.540 15,793.180 86,560.780 223,639.780 07 AB 2003 4,373.715 2,370.460 5,770.840 20,421.220 46,341.070 08 AB 2004 4,487.206 4,194.420 2,324.840 16,602.370 71,718.490 09 AB 2005 8,780.698 4,949.270 10,172.240 24,447.030 88,395.860 10 AB 2006 12,596.921 6,019.030 8,392.950 27,094.960 102,724.880 11 AB 2007 15,143.241 2,697.120 14,444.140 39,196.290 108,188.770 12 AB 2008 18,393.313 2,847.660 4,479.750 37,077.250 139,830.970 13 BAF 2003 4,033.380 138.920 7,437.730 28,603.260 50,372.330 14 BAF 2004 5,620.203 1,195.210 35,346.540 90,291.460 15 BAF 2005 12,246.811 7,714.610 27,050.490 57,445.250 120,416.990 16 BAF 2006 21,191.470 9,929.260 12,456.650 57,152.550 152,235.780 17 BAF 2007 25,783.871 14,695.660 3,452.060 88,568.460 175,678.810 S.No Bank Year Interest Income Balances with Other Banks Deposit Accounts Lending to FIs Investments Loan and Advances 18 BAF 2008 31,046.583 12,815.470 3,315.500 77,655.480 198,811.850 19 BAH 2003 2,403.489 303.650 469.630 14,109.220 35,543.980 20 BAH 2004 2,432.106 3,952.270 2,471.000 14,413.790 47,536.980 21 BAH 2005 4,935.626 377.170 3,352.750 19,502.320 55,526.000 22 BAH 2006 7,857.745 536.820 6,578.800 20,949.460 71,036.210 23 BAH 2007 9,945.872 262.700 4,112.430 35,240.220 79,446.700 24 BAH 2008 14,604.237 2,513.210 295.400 48,360.340 101,422.780 25 HBL 2003 19,049.914 17,049.800 22,595.490 158,870.810 216,380.740 26 HBL 2004 18,198.725 28,962.540 3,755.040 132,354.980 292,398.010 27 HBL 2005 32,343.206 27,558.480 12,272.250 107,678.120 350,424.900 28 HBL 2006 43,685.740 29,301.390 6,550.130 120,077.020 371,364.540 29 HBL 2007 50,481.021 22,865.310 1,628.130 178,463.740 403,478.900 30 HBL 2008 63,305.033 35,810.250 6,193.790 146,668.940 484,451.900 31 HMB 2003 2,684.887 195.090 3,896.280 17,958.900 32,637.090 32 HMB 2004 2,783.812 1,695.490 4,132.230 15,559.830 40,599.290 33 HMB 2005 4,358.556 381.790 5,462.580 22,003.310 44,039.160 34 HMB 2006 7,289.123 4,665.010 5,447.110 39,252.460 84,142.090 35 HMB 2007 11,983.551 2,175.450 3,989.250 61,656.770 91,044.060 36 HMB 2008 15,873.445 1,537.310 98.180 55,347.780 110,391.360 37 MCB 2003 10,569.994 290.360 10,430.450 125,635.810 104,011.100 38 MCB 2004 9,083.863 3,972.120 10,965.300 66,220.990 144,010.170 39 MCB 2005 17,756.232 548.150 9,998.830 68,261.030 188,139.680 40 MCB 2006 25,778.061 2,531.000 21,081.800 62,178.080 206,847.500 S.No Bank Year Interest Income Balances with Other Banks Deposit Accounts Lending to FIs Investments Loan and Advances 41 MCB 2007 31,786.595 571.810 1,051.370 111,816.630 229,732.870 42 MCB 2008 40,043.824 696.010 4,100.080 102,168.650 273,222.330 43 NBP 2003 19,452.317 19,979.670 29,937.860 168,280.530 188,958.770 44 NBP 2004 20,947.333 47,412.390 10,511.320 146,984.970 250,494.740 45 NBP 2005 33,692.665 28,068.920 16,282.940 120,471.490 299,422.810 46 NBP 2006 43,788.628 39,662.610 23,012.730 114,093.350 348,370.460 47 NBP 2007 50,569.481 30,356.200 21,464.600 180,431.770 374,732.030 48 NBP 2008 60,942.798 35,021.680 17,176.030 167,708.330 457,828.030 49 NIB 2003 172.372 347.580 951.960 6,791.960 50 NIB 2004 803.542 118.860 1,812.910 1,329.410 12,349.390 51 NIB 2005 1,716.917 1,400.000 2,270.000 5,205.170 20,181.320 52 NIB 2006 3,499.278 1,100.000 2,600.000 6,677.110 31,874.850 53 NIB 2007 6,999.888 535.720 4,753.110 40,593.510 92,586.340 54 NIB 2008 15,201.691 12,459.620 37,663.870 97,322.480 55 UBL 2003 9,269.494 17,959.120 23,096.030 53,841.740 114,897.000 56 UBL 2004 9,660.563 22,801.880 16,262.500 52,906.600 166,488.950 57 UBL 2005 20,687.373 13,262.180 17,867.550 61,236.540 239,613.350 58 UBL 2006 33,627.533 18,164.960 29,572.070 65,571.650 282,322.910 59 UBL 2007 41,045.543 2,583.690 24,781.720 115,967.140 334,120.160 60 UBL 2008 52,253.361 3,056.020 22,805.340 126,129.800 410,665.880 Appendix B Banks included in the study with legend S.No Legend Bank 1 AB Askari Bank Limited 2 ABL Allied Bank Limited 3 BAF Bank Al Falah Limited 4 BAH Bank Al Habib Limited 5 HBL Habib Bank Limited 6 HMB Habib Metropolitan Bank Limited 7 MCB MCB Bank Limited 8 NBP National Bank of Pakistan 9 NIB NIB Bank Limited 10 UBL United Bank Limited Appendix C SPSS Results Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistics Mean Std. Deviation N Interest Income 18,772.105 16,092.870 60 Interest Rate 7.811 3.766 60 Deposits with other Banks 9,089.759 12,244.525 60 Lending to FIs 10,296.928 8,376.489 60 Investments 68,035.369 49,741.048 60 Loan and Advances 165,419.474 122,548.000 60 Table 4.2: Correlations Interest Income Interest Rate Deposits with other Banks Lending to FIs Investments Loan and Advances Pearson Correlation Interest Income 1.000 0.581 0.617 0.363 0.811 0.961 Interest Rate 0.581 1.000 0.031 0.024 0.201 0.436 Deposits with other Banks 0.617 0.031 1.000 0.318 0.703 0.723 Lending to FIs 0.363 0.024 0.318 1.000 0.431 0.412 Investments 0.811 0.201 0.703 0.431 1.000 0.862 Loan and Advances 0.961 0.436 0.723 0.412 0.862 1.000 Sig. (1-tailed) Interest Income . 0.000 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 Interest Rate 0.000 . 0.408 0.429 0.062 0.000 Deposits with other Banks 0.000 0.408 . 0.007 0.000 0.000 Lending to FIs 0.002 0.429 0.007 . 0.000 0.001 Investments 0.000 0.062 0.000 0.000 . 0.000 Loan and Advances 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 . N Interest Income 60 60 60 60 60 60 Interest Rate 60 60 60 60 60 60 Deposits with other Banks 60 60 60 60 60 60 Lending to FIs 60 60 60 60 60 60 Investments 60 60 60 60 60 60 Loan and Advances 60 60 60 60 60 60 Table 4.3: Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .961a 0.924 0.923 4,477.355 2 .978b 0.956 0.955 3,428.556 Table 4.4: ANOVA Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 14,120,000,000 1 14,120,000,000 704 .000a Residual 1,163,000,000 58 20,050,000 Total 15,280,000,000 59 2 Regression 14,610,000,000 2 7,305,000,000 621 .000b Residual 670,000,000 57 11,750,000 Total 15,280,000,000 59 Table 4.5: Interest Income Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. Collinearity Statistics B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF 1 (Constant) -2107.823 976.321 -2.159 0.035 Loan and Advances 0.126 0.005 0.961 26.537 0.000 1.000 1.000 2 (Constant) -6878.423 1049.738 -6.553 0.000 Loan and Advances 0.115 0.004 0.874 28.368 0.000 0.810 1.235 Interest Rate 852.617 131.700 0.200 6.474 0.000 0.810 1.235 Table 4.6: Excluded Variables Model Beta In t Sig. Partial Correlation Collinearity Statistics Tolerance VIF Minimum Tolerance 1 Interest Rate .200a 6.474 0.000 0.651 0.810 1.235 0.810 Deposits with other Banks -.164a -3.404 0.001 -0.411 0.477 2.096 0.477 Lending to FIs -.041a -1.024 0.310 -0.134 0.830 1.205 0.830 Investments -.068a -0.957 0.343 -0.126 0.258 3.883 0.258 2 Deposits with other Banks -.057b -1.270 0.209 -0.167 0.377 2.652 0.306 Lending to FIs -.003b -0.105 0.917 -0.014 0.800 1.250 0.648 Investments .079b 1.338 0.186 0.176 0.220 4.549 0.186 Figure 4.1: Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual Figure 4.2: Histogram Figure 4.3: Scatter Plot Interest Income Figure 4.4: Partial Regression Plot Interest Income and Interest Rate Figure 4.5: Partial Regression Plot Interest Income, Loan and Advances
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Altruism, By Charles Darwin - 1463 Words
Altruism is the practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others, or the behavior of an animal that benefits another at its own expense. Evidence shows that the act of altruism is unique in the world of animals. The interaction between those who are selfish and those who are altruistic is vital to human cooperation. A small group of altruistic people can give enough motivation to a large number of egotistical to move a mountain. Just as a large number of selfish people could push a small group of charitable people to change the world. It is the interaction between both that make this world go around (Nature). The world we live in is a big machine, and those who help others are the ones who keep it running effectively. People who†¦show more content†¦Survival of the fittest is a concept that is widely known across the idea of evolution. The study done by Haldane concluded that genetic altruism would show some advances in population numbers, which is overall increasi ng the spread of genes. The increased number of altruistic individuals in the society would overall increase the group fitness, or number of genes spread due to the group benefitting behavior. Altruism can be known for the cause of all charitable behavior, but there is the argument that all charity is directly tied in with egoism. This happens when a person taking part in the charity helps with the idea that someday his own self will be in need of the same charity. This concludes that all altruistic events make just be a part of a long cycle of egoism. If so, then altruistic people are essentially just an egoist in a twisted way. The world overall is a selfish, conceit place. Some say that charitable work, also known as altruistic behavior is all part of a social contract. If the egoist breaks the contract in any way, then there is a change that another person in the future will also break the contract. Maybe that time the contract is broken it will be the egoist who needs the help and will not receive it. It is all a vicious cycle that ends up revolving around one s own self interests (Hammond 115-116). Altruism can be a concept of both social and moral psychology. In Medicine, it is currently arguedShow MoreRelatedThe Origin Of Moral Sense By Charles Darwin1529 Words  | 7 PagesCharles Darwin is famous for his theories regarding evolution and natural selection. In his 1871 book, Charles Darwin explains the origin of morality through studying the behavior of various species. In his essay, â€Å"Origin of the Moral Sense†Charles Darwin uses his theory of evolution to explain the origin of morality through the study of animals, specifically mammals. 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The importance of communication in care settings Free Essays
string(54) " that they were fearful, feeling angry or aggressive\." Communication is not just what you say. It is the tone of voice that you are using and the way you portray how you are feeling, for instance the way that you are standing will indicate how you are feeling towards whoever was with you if you were relaxed and open you would be standing with your head up and arms relaxed. If you were upset or didn’t want to talk then you’d be stood there with your head down and arms folded across your chest. We will write a custom essay sample on The importance of communication in care settings or any similar topic only for you Order Now Eye contact is important and in the UK the majority of people look at each other for 70% of the conversation whereas in Japan they only look at one another for 50% of the time. Your confidence is shown in your eye contact if you are walking down a street with your head held high and briefly meet others eyes it shows that you are confident in yourself and what you are doing. Only a small part of communication is what you are actually saying this can make it complicated when you are communicating with others as what you are saying will mean perfect sense to you but it may be interpreted to mean something completely different. In most cases the tone of your voice is either taken for granted or perceived unconsciously. The tone of how you say something is 38% of the way that you communicate. 55% is non verbal communication and what you say is only 7%. This shows that awareness of the appropriate tone and good voice control this is important for all care workers. Communication skills are a vital and necessary to have in any care setting. If you have good communication skills you can make sure that you get every thing done as efficiently and effetely as possible. Also when you are dealing with people in a social care environment you will need to make sure that they understand what you are saying or meaning, you have to build a trusting relationship with your clients and make sure that they are at ease, this is because you might be dealing with vulnerable people, the elderly or people with learning difficulties. Sentence and Verbal Communication iframe class="wp-embedded-content" sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" style="position: absolute; clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);" src="" data-secret="22mzhBkla9" width="500" height="282" title="#8220;Sentence and Verbal Communication#8221; #8212; Free Essays -" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"/iframe To meet you client’s needs you would help with housing, washing, shopping or with anything else that the individual may need. Some of the elderly clients may be suffering with dementia. This may result in them acting in an unpredictable way. The medical side is different although communication is just as fundamental, as you may have to find something important out quickly to prevent further distress to the patient. When you go and visit you doctor you only have a 10 minute time slot and in them 10 minutes your GP has to find out what is wrong explain and give you treatment. This would not happen if you and your doctor could not communicate properly. Your patients will be aware of your body language so you need to show them that you are comfortable and that you want to hear what they have to say; also you need to show them that what they are saying is important. So eye contact and openness is vital. You don’t want to be sat typing away at your computer when your patient arrives as that automatically says you have something more important to do other then greeting them. Also when people are in pain or ill they tend to become emotional and anxious. Then as the health professional it is your job to make sure that you have the situation under control. A GP or any other health professional needs to make sure that they use the correct type of tone this is make sure that the patient feels comfor table and valued also by using the appropriate tone you can make yourself sound interested, caring and encouraging. Effective communication is central to a good working practice of all early years’ professionals and relationships with children and their families/carers may be impaired without it. Communication involves a successful exchange of information from one person to another. When working with the early years you have to take in to account of their age and their understanding level. You can not expect a child of 3 to understand eye contact or subtle body language. You need to make sure that you are communicating to them on their understanding level not yours. You will also have to compromise for their lack of speech and their unpredictability when they cant communicate with you. So for communication to be successful it needs to meat the needs of both speakers and any breakdown will result in a lack of communication taking place ADD COMMUNICATION CYCLE? Ask Teresa Oral communication would be one of the most important ways of communicating in the social, medical and early years setting, as within these settings you have to build up a trusting professional relationship. That advantage to oral communication is that you can exchange information quickly. The service provider can explain situations and answer any questions that may arise. When speaking with someone you can make sure that whoever you are communicating with understand what you are saying. Also if necessary and appropriate you can comfort if what you are saying is distressing. In a social setting oral communication is vital for a nurse as she not only has to be able to communicate efficiently and for the best of her clients she has to be able to hand over their information correctly to the next shift of nurses if she was to get this wrong it may jeopardise the patient. Also with oral communication you can nominally tell how your clients are feeling if they have a quite tone then it may be that they are depressed, feeling sad or passiveness. If they had a loud or excited tone this could mean that they were fearful, feeling angry or aggressive. You read "The importance of communication in care settings" in category "Papers" Skilled care workers can pick this up and act appropriately. It is an important role of a care worker to be able to understand, relay and gather information not just with the patients but also with her work team. On a typical day a nurse would have to record what medication was given, the amount and the time it was administered she would do this so she could pass it on to other nurses so they are aware of the medication that, the patient has had. Communication can fail if there is a lack of knowledge this could leave the people involved feeling inadequate. Communicating orally in an early year’s environment can be demanding and frustrating. You not only have to build up trusting relationship and understanding with the children you also need to do this with their parents/carers and the rest of your team. When communicating with young children they may not always understand what you are saying to them but the can hear your tone of voice and the tone of voice used conveys a message to the child which at times be the wrong message. For example. To ask a child â€Å"what are you doing†may be interpreted by a child as a negative question if the tone of voice is wrong. When you are talking to young children and are asking questions or giving guidance you need to do so in a clear voice and in bite size pieces. Like â€Å"go and get your shoes†not â€Å"go out the hall into the shoe area find your shoes and put them on. Then come back to me†this is because their understanding level is lower then yours and the short term memory only last for 30 seconds and by the time they have left the room they would have forgotten. When talking to parent/carer you need to establish whether they would prefer you to communicate with them in an informal or formal way. This is the register of language. Some parents and most certainly the children will prefer you to great them in an informal way as this may put them at ease. Within a medical setting you need to remember to use the correct type of language (register of language) formal language would be better unless requested from the patient. If a medical receptionist was informal then the patient may think that are being disrespected. As a GP you will communicate aurally most of the time to you patients this mean that the GP has the advantage that the tone of voice can betray how the patient is feeling emotionally and if relevant the GP may be able to help or refer them to another source. This is the GP taking care of his patient’s emotional and physical wellbeing. As a GP you will have to work and communicate with people that have different styles of speaking such as ethic groups and people that come from different work and culture settings. Verbal communication for a nurse at A+E is about buliding a relationship quickly with all types of people from all walks of life they have to be calm so she needs to have gained their trust. Also they have to exchange information to one another. Nurses and paramedics use a pain scale asking how bad the pain is from 1 to 10 this is especially good for children as they cant always describe what pain they are in. Written communication in any organised setting is one of the most important factors. This is because of keeping records. Getting the right support for your clients. Without written communication you would not be able to do this. In social care setting it may not be the choice of some of your clients. If you have clients that are profoundly deaf or very hard of hearing it would be more appropriate and polite to send them a letter rather then ringing them. There would be little point of finding out effective way to communicate with a client and then not making an accurate record so that other people can also communicate with that person. The type of things that you would record as a care worker would be what problems your clients have how it affects them both emotionally and physically. What action should be taken by yourself and others. Always add the date and whether you administered medication, and any other day to day things that you do. Most of the written communication will be between you and your colleges on a professional basis. You will mainly communicate with your clients in a more informal way When working in an early year’s environment it is important to keep parents well informed. You need to pass information through ways that parents can access. The easiest way to do this is by written communication. This can be in many ways such as news letters once a month with general information in them, home and setting books so that you can keep in contact with the parents that way this is a good way for people that have child care so they know what is going on a daily basis, notice boards so that you can display reminders and notices and displays of the children’s work throughout the setting so that the parents can see for them selves that their child is doing constructive things while at the setting When working with early years children it is easier sometimes to use visual pictures as aids so that a child can associate a picture with a meaning or a word. For example you may put their picture on their coat per and a picture of a coat above them. Children respond and understand picture writing rather then just the written word. Staff in the early years setting will also do reports on the children’s development and what aspects they need to improve on. This is to accommodate their social, physical, emotional and intellectual wellbeing and prepare them for school. The types of medical written information that you would get would be letters and reminders about appointments whether at your GP’s clinic, medical centre or local hospitals. You may get test results or letters about your tests and the results. You may also get formal letters indicating a change of location. Every doctor has his patient’s notes and information this is to see what illness and treatments that you have had in the past and whether you are allergic to anything. He keeps them as records nowadays stored on a computer so no matter where you are they can locate your files. As a patient you may get extra correspondence from your GP regarding any medical check ups that you need GP’s and other health professionals use written communication to refer patients to one other service providers. Being an employee in any care setting you will come across people with hearing and visual impairments there are a number of ways to carry on or start communicating with your clients. Communication between hearing and deaf people is not always straight forward. Quite often the response of a hearing person is to either talk more loudly or over emphasise lip patterns, this will actually cause more difficulty. However the ability and awareness of how to communicate clearly can solve many day to day issues. Makaton is a type of system that uses speech, signs and symbols to help people with learning difficulties to communicate, and to develop their language skills. People that speak Makaton will use speech as well as body language they don’t just silent sign. Makaton is a form of augmentative and alterative communication (AAC). Makaton is used with both children and adults who are unable to speak or whose speech is difficult to understand. Makaton is a key word signing system that aims to provide a basic means of communication and encourage language development. When using Makaton the key words will still be spoken as well as signed. If you have a client in your care it is bested advised to try and learn some of their preferred way of communication, although you will pick up some meanings. Braille is a type of communication that instead or words are raised marks that can be felt wit the fingers. This provides a type of written communication that can be used by people with limited or no sight. Braille is usually taught to those who are totally blind from youth. Moon is usually taught to people who loose their sight in later life. Both moon and Braille are raised symbols that correspond to the alphabet. British sign language is a visual/spatial language which is governed by its own grammatical rules using shapes, hand movements and facial expressions to convey meaning leading to successful communication. There are 9,000,000 deaf or hard of hearing people in the UK, with distinct differences in the way that they wish to communicate. Approximately 80,000 people sign language as their first language. Electrical aids have made communication much easier. Information displays on computer screens such as information kiosks ands bulletin boards are increasingly being used for public communication. Other then e-mails and telephone and the internet there are loads of other ways to communicate using modern technology. Technology can be made friendly and accessible to people that are blind or have low vision for example:- you have voice synthesisers can be installed to read out loud the text on the screen. There is also Braille and other tactile symbols can be embossed on the buttons used on the display. You can also get special scanners to convert text into a read out which is relayed to the user by voice synthesisers or convert the words on a printed page into very large sized text on the computer screen. Communication via computers has enabled society to be able to communicate efficiently, accurately and quickly. Within a hospital and emergency environment to communicate the correct information and quickly you need computerised communication. For example somebody comes into A+E with a suspected broken arm they get sent to the Department to have an x-ray. After taking the photos they send them back to A+E. this saves time and money. It is efficient and it is to the best of the patients as treatment can be administered more quickly. In effect it’s taking care of their physical and emotional wellbeing. This is not the only benefit that computerised communication has, at the scene of an accident the paramedics will contact the hospital to let them know who is coming in and why their age and any other infomation that they have on them. This is to ensure that upon their arrival the correct treatment can be administered, Especially if it is a life threatening situation. Even though the need of speed may be vital they also have to be accurate, clear and understandable as its about somebodys care. How to cite The importance of communication in care settings, Papers
Professor Notes - Financial Statement Analysis of company Amazon.Com
Question: Analyze the financial position of the company Amazon. Answer: Executive Summary The overall project is all about understanding the financial status and valuation of the companys portfolio. The project report is prepared to analyze the financial position of the company Amazon. Inc which is an NASDAQ listed United State based company in online retail business activities. Here we are about to calculating the valuation of the firm and analyzing the financial statement of the company to understand the actual strength, weaknesses, opportunity, and threats of the business activities of the company. Introduction The project is about to understand the financial statement analysis of the organization which is mainly based on the certain financial performance of the organization and market valuation of the company in the market (, 2015). There are various types of evaluations are done by the organization for proper understanding of market scenarios of the company Amazon Inc. The project is all about understanding the financial valuation of a company which is through analysis of the financial statement of the company. The annual financial statement of the company is mainly based on the market analysis of the company. As per the market analysis of the Amazon is mainly based on the stock performance of the organization within particular period of financial year. Business Description is one of the e-commerce companies in the country United State. The company is mainly deal with the selling and distribution of the products and services with the support of the online portal of the organization. The company is having several vendors and merchant of the company (, 2015). There are WebPages and websites which are used by the company to sell their products ranges which are mainly belongs to different segment of the products which is operates in United States and another one is in international marketing. The international segment of the Amazon is mainly focusing on the all the operational activities of the international websites. Analysis and competitive positioning According to the competitive strategies are important in terms for the customers and clients of the company. As the company realized that reducing the delivery time for the organization is mainly depends upon the successful strategies of the extensive distribution system of the company (, 2015). The several strategies are related to the warehousing and the inventory management of the company Amazon which are required because the organization required serving their clients within a given period of time. The company is Amazon is follows the aggressive strategy for warehousing facilities which is mainly support to improve the distribution activities of the company Amazon. Opportunities The company is mainly having better opportunities as per the current strategies which are implementing by the company to satisfy their customers and to expansion of their product distribution techniques in the market. The company is having centric business of $7.2 industry in all around the world which is showing that there are several opportunities company is getting to acquire the $4 trillion total earnings from their wholesale business of the organization. Threats Company required improving the online transaction securities for their existing and potential customers. Amazon is mainly using three tier verification processes for the online securities of the customers. Amazon Company required to considered different transaction legislation which is based on the taxation strategies of the company on several products which is about to change state to state during the online shopping of the company. Financial Statement Analysis The ratio analysis of an organization like Amazon Inc.which is depends upon the annual report of the company within a provided time span of the company. As per the financial statement analysis of the company ratio analysis is mainly used for the analyzing the financial and non-financial status of the company (Patel, 2013). Profitability Ratio Profitability ratio is generally analysis the capabilities of the company to analyze the earning capabilities of the company which is mainly depends upon the financial sourcing and applications of the company (, 2015). Particulars Amazon Inc. 2013 2014 TOTAL REVENUE $ 60,903.00 $ 70,080.00 GROSS PROFIT $ 20,271.00 $ 26,236.00 Gross Profit Margin 0.332840747 0.374372146 The gross margin of an organization is mainly based on the operational capabilities of the company to generate the money from the business activities. As per the overall analysis the gross profit margin for the company is for financial year 2013 and 2014 are 0.332 and 0.374. According to the overall analysis of the company it is come to know that Amazon company is having better earning situation in the financial year 2014 rather than 2013 with the support of their better business strategies. Particulars Amazon Inc. 2013 2014 TOTAL REVENUE $ 60,903.00 $ 70,080.00 NET PROFIT $ 8,084.00 $ 8,658.00 Net Profit Margin 0.132735662 0.123544521 The net margin of an organization is mainly based on the operational capabilities of the company to generate the money from the business activities. As per the overall analysis the net profit margin for the company is for financial year 2013 and 2014 are 0.132 and 0.123. According to the overall analysis of the company it is come to know that Amazon company is having better earning situation in the financial year 2014 rather than 2013 with the support of their better business strategies. Particulars Amazon Inc. 2013 2014 NET PROFIT $ 8,084.00 $ 8,658.00 TOTAL ASSET $ 40,159.00 54,505 Return On Assets 0.170793543 0.317695624 Return on assets is mainly incurred by the organizationwhich is based on the capabilities of the organization mainly required for the revenue earning capabilities of the company Amazon. As per the analysis the returns of assets of the company is 0.170 in the financial year 2013 and 0.317 in 2014 which is showing that company has been generated more returns from their acquired assets in the financial year 2014 rather than financial year 2013 Liquidity Ratio Liquidity ratio are mainly describing the liquidity status of the organization which is shows that whether company is available to pay their short term obligations within a given period of time (Zuba, D Sekua, 2012). Particulars Amazon Inc. 2013 2014 current assets $ 24,625.00 $ 31,327.00 current liabilities $ 22,980.00 $ 28,089.00 Current ratio 1.071583986 1.115276443 Current ratioof an organization is mainly describing the capabilities of the company to pay their financial obligations within a given period of time of 2013 and 2014.As per the analysis the current ratio proportion of the company Amazon .com is mainly 1.071 and 1.115 in the given period of time. according to the financial analysis of the company increases in their current ratio proportion which is showing better liquidity position in the financial year 2014 rather than financial year 2013. Company is more capable to compensate their short term obligations of the organization. Particulars Amazon Inc. 2013 2014 current assets $ 24,625.00 $ 31,327.00 current liabilities $ 22,980.00 $ 28,089.00 Inventory $ 7,411.00 $ 8,299.00 Quick ratio 0.749086162 0.819822706 Quick ratioof an organization is mainly describing the capabilities of the company to pay their financial obligations within a given short period of time. As per the analysis the quick ratio proportion of the company Amazon .com is mainly 1.749 and 0.819 in the given period of time. According to the financial analysis of the company increases in their current ratio proportion which is showing better liquidity position in the financial year 2014 rather than financial year 2013. Company is more capable to compensate their short term obligations of the organization. Particulars Amazon Inc. 2013 2014 TOTAL DEBT $ 3,191.00 $ 8,265.00 TOTAL EQUITY $ 9,746.00 $ 10,741.00 Debt-Equity Ratio 0.327416376 0.769481426 Debt and equity ratio of an organization is mainly describing the financialstatements of the company which is showing that how much company invested in their owned and loaned capital in the business activities. There are after all analysis is debt equity ratio 0.327 and 0.769 in the financial year 2013 and 2014. And it is showing that company is having much better capability to proportionate their owned and loaned capital within financial year 2014 with the support of their successful business strategies. Stock Valuation The stock valuation of the company is mainly describing the market performance of the company which is based on the companys stock performance over the exchange of NASDAQ. As per the analysis the risk free rate of the United States is 1.62 and the equity risk premium of the company is 1.304 which is showing that risk of the portfolio is equal to the exchange portfolio. The current dividend amount of the company Amazon is $1.80 with the growth rate of 0.6% and the current stock price of the company is $440.10. As per the overall analysis the Capital pricing model return of the company is 2.92 and also the overall portfolio is showing overvalued in the stock market (, 2015). Risk-free rate 1.62 Equity risk premium 1.30452679 Beta 1.00 Current dividend $1.80 Dividend growth rate 0.6% Current Stock Price $440.10 CAPM Required Return and Stock Valuation CAPM Required Return 2.92 Stock Value $0.62 Valuation Overvalued Implied Growth Rate Implied dividend growth rate 2.90854094 Deriving an Implied Required Return Dividend Yield 0.41% Capital gain (dividend growth rate) 0.60% Total implied required return 1.01% Preferred Stock Valuation Stock Value if Preferred $0.62 EPS $440.10 DPS $1.80 PAYOUT RATIO 0.00409 P0 5.699714 P0/EPS $0.01 The implied dividend growth rate of the company is mainly 2.90 and dividend yield of the company is 0.41% (Subramanyam, 2012). The capital gain of the Amazon Company is mainly based on the growth rate of 0.60% which prefers the stock valuation of the company by $0.62 at the implied required return of 1.01%. As per the recent market performance of the company Amazon is having earning per share of $440.10 and dividend per share is equal to $1.80 which is considering the payout ratio of 0.00409 and the payout amount of the company is showing $0.01 for the within a financial year 2014. Investment risk As per the stock analysis of the company is mainly based on the market performance of the company. According to the overall analysis of the company the average monthly return of the organization is 0.0262 and the annual return of the organization is 0.3154 (, 2015). The variation in the stocks of the company is fluctuating in the market on the monthly basis by 0.0766 and annual variation in the stocks of the organization is 0.2656. As per the calculations in the stock exchange NASDAQ which is mainly depends upon the certain coordination of the company based on the performance of the company. The correlation within the market stock and the Amazon stock in the market is mainly equal correlation and give impact on each others performance (Hubbard, 2012). If the market falls it will directly give impact on the companys financial and non- financial performance and the market risk of the company is equally related to the market stock performance. AMAZON.COM Average Monthly Return 0.026289434 Annualized Return 0.315473207 Monthly Standard Deviation 0.076678384 Annualized Standard Deviation 0.265621715 NASDAQ Average Monthly Return 0.02629 Annualized Return 0.31547 Monthly Standard Deviation 0.07668 Annualized Standard Deviation 0.26562 Correlation Between Stock Returns 1.00000 BETA 1 Conclusion According to the overall analysis of the internal and external environment of the company is mainly based on the financial statement analysis and stock valuation of the company within a given period of time. The overall project report is mainly describing the financial status of the Amazon within financial year 2013 and 2014. The overall SWOT analysis of the company described the actual performance of the company within given period of time with considering the investment risk bear by the company. The company Amazon is mainly survives in the organization which is mainly based on the various functionality criteria of the company. Reference, (2015).Online Shopping: Shop Online for Mobiles, Books, Watches, Shoes and More - Retrieved 27 June 2015, from Hofmann, E., Lampe, K. (2013). Financial statement analysis of logistics service providers: ways of enhancing performance.International Journal Of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,43(4), 321-342. doi:10.1108/ijpdlm-08-2012-0229 Hubbard, J. (2012). Financial Statement Analysis.CFA Digest,38(1), 59-61. doi:10.2469/dig.v38.n1.25 Kohatsu-Higa, A., Privault, N., Sheu, S. (2011).Stochastic analysis with financial applications. 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